Warum wir?
Unser Motto sagt alles: "Mach es ordentlich, oder garnicht."
Requirements analysis
We help you to specify all your requirements that are needed to develop a successful software.
Our software architecture, programming and testing is done with highest quality standards. An automated unit testing, code analysis tools and contineus integration is obvious for us.
After a successful deployment of your project monitoring, quick support for open questions.
Über Ornior
Ornior ist eine Firma, die hauptsächlich Individualsoftware für verschiedene Kunden entwickelt. Wir haben Experten für Backend, die Java und C# sprechen. Unsere Frontend Experten sprechen Javascript and Typescript.
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Kovorobotnícka 23, 821 04 Bratislava
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+43 (0) 677 627 928 99