What is Cheap Refuel?
Billig Tanken shows you the most current fuel prices in Germany and Austria. The data is based on Bundeskartellamt Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe (Germany) and E-Control Spritpreisrechner (Austria) and on community provided data.
Billig Tanken offers features like color coding of prices and data quality, search at different locations, travel distances, map display and navigation.
Why do I need Billig Tanken?
The E-Control Spritpreisrechner application shows only 5 results, which is very limited. Billig Tanken shows many more results, and will always include your favorite gas stations. Finding the best gas station for you never has been easier.
How does Billig Tanken work?
The main screen of Billig Tanken always shows you the gas stations near you (based on your current location). The following information is shown for each gas station:
Name: the name of the gas station
Address: the address of the gas station
Distance: the distance of the gas station (travel distance and travel time) – you can choose between estimated distances and exact distances by setting the appropriate option
Price per Liter: the fuel price per liter
Price per Tank: the overall price for filling the tank – this price also takes the travel distance to the gas station into account
The sort order of the result list (and several other options affecting the results) can be changed in the settings. A star on the left side indicates selected favorites.
There are different color codes in order to help you finding the ideal gas station for you:
Price Color: indicates if prices are cheap, medium or expensive among all entries in the list (green is cheap, yellow is medium, red is expensive) – This logic applies to price per liter as well as to price per tank
Showing a gas station on the map or navigating to a gas station
You can show a gas station on the map or start navigating to the gas station by simply clicking on it (dependent on the configuration).
Both options are also available via the context menu (swipe the item to the left side and select „Navigate“).
Updating the Result List
The result list automatically gets updated when the app is resumed.
You can update the list manually at any time via the refresh icon or swiping the list up.
Searching Gas Stations at Different Locations
You can search gas stations at any arbitrary location via the menu „Search at Location“. Just enter the location (as you would do e.g. in Google Maps).
The search is limited to either Germany or Austria, so in most cases in it sufficient to enter a city name or a postal code.
Fuel Type Germany: choose between Diesel, E5 or E10
Fuel Type Austria: choose between Diesel or Super 95
Tank Volume: the average tank amount, which is used to calculate the overall price in the result list
Consumption: the average consumption, which is used to calculate the additional cost of driving to the gas station (and back) – this is also used to calculate the overall price in the result list
Search Radius (Bee-Line): specifies the maximum distance (bee-line) for the gas station search
Number of Results: specifies the maximum number of results
Sort Order: choose between price/liter, price/tank and travel time – at home price/tank might be your favorite option
Favorites on Top: if turned on, the favorites are always shown on top of the result list
Favorites for Manual Searches: if turned on, the favorites are also shown on top of the result list for manual searches
Only Open Gas Stations: if turned on, only gas stations that are currently open are shown in the result list
Travelling Mode Speed: above the specified speed, Billg Tanken switches to travelling mode
Sort Order: choose between price/liter, price/tank and travel time – when traveling the travel time might be a good option to find the nearest gas station
Only Open Gas Stations: if turned on, only gas stations that are currently open are shown in the result list
Note, that various settings are not enabled in the Free version.
Differences between Full and Free version
The main advantages of the Full version are:
Background update interval can be more than 3 hours
No ads
In the Free version the background update interval is limited to 3 hours or less. Ads are shown.
FAQs & Troubleshooting
Network traffic
Note, that Billig Tanken causes some network traffic, that is dependent on certain factors:
Getting Results: retrieving the gas stations for the result list causes approximately 0.5 kB network traffic per gas station and update
Getting position
Billig Tanken tries to obtain a position via GPS or WiFi. If it is not possible to get a position with sufficient accuracy within 30 seconds, no update based on the current location will take place.
Note, that GPS is only used during obtaining the position.
In Austria the result list contains at least the 5 results you would get from the E-Control Spritpreisrechner, but also contains community provided data.
It might be necessary to tweak the search radius dependent on your location (smaller search radius in urban centers, bigger search radius in the countryside).